Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 2 Results

Week 2 results aren't bad.

I lost 3.2 pounds bringing the total weight dropped to 16.6 pounds.

I think the results could've been better.  There was a trip to Kansas City to see Radiohead which slightly derailed everything.  I'm back on track.  I'm drinking the mean green juice for breakfast and lunch and eating a light dinner this week.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weighing In

I'm down 13.4 pounds after the first week.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thursday Dinner

Well, I ate. I went eleven meals in a row drinking my meals. I ate grilled chicken and wild rice for dinner Thursday night. I would've eaten some type of vegetable with it but I'd drank them all.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Three Days In

Yesterday completed the third day of not chewing.  I made it.  I don't feel detoxed.  I feel normal.  Except for one thing.  I feel like I've went through more produce in the past three days than I would usually go through in a year.  Honestly, I've never purchased celery or cucumbers..ever.  And kale?  I still don't really know what that stuff is. What I do know about kale, is that it doesn't yield much juice.  What it does yield is very green and has a powerful odor.  I'm familiar with lemons and apples.  Ginger, not so much.  I see it served with sushi but never mess with it.

I've done the math.  In the past few days I've went through the following:

54-ish kale leaves
36 stalks of celery
9 cucumbers
4.5 lemons
18 granny smith apples

I feel fine.  Haven't really been hangry or hungry.

I plan to keep it going for another few days.  I'll probably go through lunch on Sunday.  That's where the next challenge will begin.  I'm headed to Kansas City after lunch on Sunday for a Radiohead concert.  I can't take my juicer with me and I've heard Kansas City has some decent BBQ places.  It's also the home of Boulevard Brewing Company.  I guess I don't have to go to Arthur Bryant's...or tour one of my favorite breweries...right?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Where Have You Been??'s been a while.  I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news:  Bluntly...I gained it all back.  I'm not gonna cry over spilled milkshake (booooooo).  I'm gonna lose it all again.

The good news:  I'm back.  I'm working on it...again.  Today is the first day of the new journey.

I'll tell you what I'm up to instead of what I've been doing.  I'll save the "what I've been doing" stories for another time.  As of right now, I'm on day one of a detox.  I'm not chewing.  My plan is to go 3 days without chewing anything.  I'd like to go 10 days...maybe 15 without chewing, but we'll see.  If I make it 3 days, I'll evaluate how I feel physically and emotionally.

Detox Details:  I'm juicing.  This morning I drank the "Mean Green" which was 4 celery stalks, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, half a lemon, 6 kale leaves, and some ginger.  Actually...I split the juice that was yielded and had that for lunch as well.  Tomorrow I'll probably double the batch and split it in threes so I have breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Thoughts:  This "not chewing" thing is strange.  I feel fine.  I'm not hangry...yet.  I know it's coming.
