Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 28

I slept a bit longer than I usually do on Sunday morning.  Instead of eating breakfast, I went for a turkey burger a little later.  I don't think I'll do the skipping breakfast for the late breakfast/early lunch again as it left me hungry all day.

Dinner was at La Fiesta.  I usually get my "dining out" experience on Friday night but the super-duper-mega-blizzard of 2010 that hit The Fort this week threw me a curve. 

Goals for this week include eating more fruits and veggies along with hitting the streets for some low-impact permitting.

Breakfast Calories
Slept In…Skipped Breakfast 0
Total Breakfast 0

Lunch Calories
Turkey Burger 480
Spicy Cheez-Its 150
Total Lunch 630

Dinner Calories
Chciken, Rice and Cheese at La Fiesta  
Total Dinner 0

Snacks Calories
Chicken Wings 190
Fruit 210
Total Snacks 400

Total Calories 1030

Day 27

Breakfast Calories
Egg and Cheddar Sandwich 360
Total Breakfast 360

Lunch Calories
Turkey Chili 350
Sweet Potato Fries 85
Total Lunch 435

Dinner Calories
Grilled Chicken Sandwich 300
Fruit 100
Total Dinner 400

Snacks Calories
Kashi Roll 190
Fiber Bar 150
Chicken Wings 250
Cheese and Crackers 350
Total Snacks 940

Total Calories 2135

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have yet to choose a name for the winter storm that hit The Fort on Friday. The actions of the weathermen and weatherwomen on television and reactions of grocery shoppers left me searching for nomenclature for said storm. I saw the above suggestions on Facebook and thought I'd share.

Let's talk about lunch. I had my leftover turkey chili and chipotle sweet potato fries that I was ready to eat for lunch on Friday, but then it happened. I walked into the office after taking a group for a tour of some Wingfoot facilities and it hit me. OMG BBQ!!! Someone had purchased lunch for everyone at the office and it was from one of my favorite restaurants in The Fort, Pink Flamingo.

I don't know if the dreary day of ice and snow had tricked my olfactics; more likely it was all the tire rubber we were around as I led the tour of a Wingfoot retread plant and Wingfoot sales facility, but the smell of BBQ hit me in the face as soon as I entered the building. Typically free BBQ means a very happy Travis, but also leads to a very stuffed Travis. This was going to be a true test. I know I'm going to be in situations throughout the rest of this year (and life) where I'm going to have to know when to push back from the table. It's okay to have some BBQ, heck it's almost un-American to not have some BBQ. I just have to know when to say "when," and I am working on that. So, that's what I did. I ate some BBQ….just some. I didn't go overboard and fall off the Benjamin Droppin' wagon, I just ate "some" BBQ. I had a piece of sausage, a serving of chopped brisket and a pickle spear. I avoided the side items, cookies and bread. I wanted more when I finished my plate, but I pushed back from the table and was done. I really wanted to go back for seconds or thirds for the next 10 minutes or so, but I refrained. Hopefully the scale will reward me on Wednesday.

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage Muffin 260

Total Breakfast 260

Lunch Calories
Pink Flamingo BBQ 566

Total Lunch 566

Dinner Calories
Turkey Sandwich 410
Hot and Spicy Cheez Its 150

Total Dinner 560

Snacks Calories
Steamed Veggies 80
Fruit 210

Total Snacks 290

Total Calories 1676

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 25

Breakfast Calories
Kashi Blueberry Waffles 170
Banana 105
Total Breakfast 275

Lunch Calories
Lean Cuisine "Asian-Style Pot Stickers" 260
Total Lunch 260

Dinner Calories
Chick-fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich 300
Fruit 100
Total Dinner 400

Snacks Calories
Kashi Roll 190
Chicken 400
Fiber bar 160
Total Snacks 750

Total Calories 1685

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 24

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage English Muffin 260
Total Breakfast 260

Lunch Calories
Lean Cuisine Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo 300
Total Lunch 300

Dinner Calories
Turkey Chili with Fritos 640
Total Dinner 640

Snacks Calories
Oatmeal 160
Kashi Roll 190
Cheese 60
Total Snacks 410

Total Calories 1610

Bowling Ball

Last fall I joined a bowling league.  We go, we have fun, we don't take it serious, and we sometimes make fun of those that do take it serious.  I thought it would be a fun thing to do every Thursday night, and I was right.  We're having a blast and the other teams hate us because of what we call our "gold jacket, green jacket" attitude.

What does bowling have to do with a weight loss blog?  Well, I had an epiphany as I walked into the bowling center tonight.  I was carrying my bowling ball, which weighs 14 pounds, and I realized that this ball is kinda heavy.  Which got me to thinking...I am this much lighter.  The perspective was in my hand in the form of a Brunswick Avalanche bowling ball that I was carrying across a parking lot.  So there you have it; bowling and a weight loss blog.

Side note:  I know, I know...if you own a bowling ball, how are you not taking it serious.  All I can say to that it, "Good point...we did just take over 1st place in the league."


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unfortunately There Isn't a Fifteen Dollar Bill, sooooooo: Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Lincoln...Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Hamilton.


Weigh-In #3

I went to the doctor's office earlier toady.  I had another successful week and I'm excited to announce that...

I dropped 3.6 pounds in the third week.

Day 23

Tuesday was extremely busy/frustrating.  There was work, a Girls Inc. board meeting at noon and a city directors meeting at 6pm.  Work and Girls Inc. weren't all that frustrating.  The city directors meeting was.  These are the type of days, just a month ago, where burger, fries and a coke would've been eaten for lunch and dinner. 

After work, I resisted the drive-thru as I went to the city directors meeting.  In the past, I would've hit McDonalds (or somewhere) on my way to the meeting.  I thought about it, but I didn't.  I found it even more difficult to resit on the way home...especially after sitting through a frustrating directors meeting.  Why the frustration?  I didn't feel that a clear, progressive vision was reflected with a majority of our least publicly anyway.  I'll save additional comments on that topic for a different arena.  In the past I'd take the frustration out with what I ate.  I'm glad I didn't do that last night.  I had some grilled chicken instead.

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage English Muffin 260
Banana 105
Total Breakfast 365

Lunch Calories
Healthy Choice Steamer "Orange Zest Chicken" 300
Total Lunch 300

Dinner Calories
Chicken 360
Total Dinner 360

Snacks Calories
Turkey Sandwich 220
Fruit 210
Fiber Bar 150
Kasi Bar 190
Total Snacks 770

Total Calories 1795

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Facebook Update: I Hate Cauliflower

I was checking the "Droppin' a Benjamin" Facebook page and was surprised to see there are 100 people that are "fans" of this blog.

We hit 100 so fast that I issued a little challenge.  I told the Facebook crowd that I'd eat a cauliflower sandwich if we hit the 200 fan mark.  Also, I hate cauliflower.

Here's a link to the Facebook page:

Day 22

My lunch calories were a mystery.  Sacred Grounds catered a lunch meeting for YEL on Monday.  The lunch included a sandwich, chips and salad.  I stayed away from the chips.

Turkey Sausage English Muffin

Total Breakfast

Sacred Grounds Sandwich


Total Lunch

Turkey Burger with Provolone

Total Dinner

Fiber Bar

Total Snacks

Total Calories

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Time for a New Profile Pic

It was time.  Plus, my hat was crooked in the last pic. 

Fake mustaches are the coolest.

Day 21: Firehouse Duds

Wow...lesson learned.  Just because it's a sandwich doesn't mean the caloric content is all that low.  A little turkey...a little ham...some bread...some mustard...660 calories???  Thanks for nothing Firehouse Subs. 

Breakfast Calories
Egg Sandwich 310
Total Breakfast 310

Lunch Calories
Firehouse Sub 660
Total Lunch 660

Dinner Calories
Baked Chicken 500
Total Dinner 500

Snacks Calories
Chex Mix 170
Mixed Fruit 210
Kashi Bar 190
Kashi Blueberry Waffles 170
Total Snacks 740

Total Calories 2210

Day 20

We went out for Mexican food Saturday night.  I had the Steven's Special which is pretty much chicken and with with cheese sauce.  I have no idea what the caloric content of the dish was.

Breakfast Calories
White Cheddar and Egg Burrito 370
Bran Muffin 180
Total Breakfast 550

Lunch Calories
Turkey Wrap 220
Total Lunch 220

Dinner Calories
Chicken, Rice and Cheese  
Total Dinner 0

Snacks Calories
Cayenne Pepper Sweet Potato Fries 85
Kashi Bar 190
Dark Chocolate 80
Total Snacks 355

Total Calories 1125

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 19

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage English Muffin 260
Bran Muffin 180
Total Breakfast 440

Lunch Calories
Talpia 230
Total Lunch 230

Dinner Calories
Grilled Chicken Sandwich 300
Total Dinner 300

Snacks Calories
Turkey Peperoni Sandwich 240
Greek Yogurt 90
Fruit Leather 45
Chicken Nuggets 400
Total Snacks 775

Total Calories 1745

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 18

Breakfast Calories
Bran Muffin 180
Turkey Sausage English Muffin 260
Total Breakfast 440

Lunch Calories
Protein Bar 280
Steamed Carrots, Barley, Snap Peas 140
Total Lunch 420

Dinner Calories
Turkey Chili with Fritos
Total Dinner 640

Snacks Calories
Banana 105
Greek Yogurt 90
Fruit Leather 45
Kashi Bar 190
Total Snacks 430

Total Calories 1930

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 17

Bran Muffin
Turkey Sausage English Muffin

Total Breakfast

Turkey Pepperoni Sandwich

Total Lunch

Turkey Chili

Total Dinner

Fruit Leather
Turkey Wrap
Turkey Pepperoni
Total Snacks

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Can Call Me Aaron Burr...I've Officially Dropped A Hamilton



Weigh-In #2

I just got back from the doctor's office.  This time I wasn't anywhere close to the 9 lbs lost like last week.  However, I was above my goal of 2 lbs a week.

I dropped 2.8 pounds the second week.

Day 16

Yes...I did eat at Chick-fil-A again last night.

Breakfast Calories
Banana 105
Toast 200
Total Breakfast 305

Lunch Calories
Boca Veggie "Chicken" Patties 320
Steamed Asparagus 60
Total Lunch 380

Dinner Calories
Chicken Sandwich 300
Fruit Bowl 100
Total Dinner 400

Snacks Calories
Kashi Go Lean Roll 190
Greek Yogurt 90
Turkey Wrap 220
Fruit Leather 45
Total Snacks 545

Total Calories 1630

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Droppin' a Benjamin is on Facebook

Droppin' a Benjamin has joined Facebook.  Become a fan of the Benjamin Dropping-est page on all the internets at:  Droppin' a Benjamin Facebook

Somehow we've already got 90+ people on the Facebook page following all the Benjamin Droppin' action.

Day 15: Travis > Jared

The lack of freshly baked cookies at the Monday night poker game made it a little easier to focus.  It's a lot easier to donk off chips when you're not fighting the urge to fall off the cookie wagon. 

I was running a little late to poker, so I hit the Chick-fil-A drive thru.  I liked Chick-fil-A before I decided to "Drop a Benjamin," but now I am a huge fan.  Their website has every bit of nutritional info I need to make a healthy decision, and the food is great.  I was able to grab a grilled chicken sandwich and a bowl of fruit without breaking the calorie bank. 

Writing this post gave me an idea.  Maybe I should be the spokesman for Chick-fil-A.  I'd even be willing to share the spotlight with their spelling-challenged cows.  Think about it...I'm way cooler than that Jared guy from Subway.  If that mouth-breathing doofus can get paid for eating sub-par sandwiches, I should be able to cash in for dropping weight eating delicious grilled chicken sandwiches, scrumptious salads, healthy alternative side items, all while washing it all down with a refreshing, zero-calorie, unsweetened iced tea.  Aaaaaaand, scene.  Now, that's how you sell a chicken sandwich. 

The ball is in your court Mr. Cathy.

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage Breakfast Bowl 230
Toast 200
Total Breakfast 430

Lunch Calories
Veggie Pot Pie 360
Total Lunch 360

Dinner Calories
Chicken Sandwich 300
Fruit 100
Total Dinner 400

Snacks Calories
Trail Mix 150
Greek Yogurt 90
Total Snacks 240

Total Calories 1430

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 14

Sunday dinner with the family was pot roast and all the fixins.  Instead of filling up a regular size plate of grub, I grabbed a smaller plate and tried my best to choose portions.  Even with my eye on the plate size, Sunday was the highest caloric content in the past couple of weeks.

Yogurt Smoothie

Total Breakfast

Pot Roast
Mac and Cheese
Total Lunch

Pot Roast
Mac and Cheese
Total Dinner


Total Snacks

Total Calories

Day 13

Pancakes and syrup...biscuits and gravy...bacon...hash-brown casserole...sausage...YIKES!!!  Breakfast with the family at Cracker Barrel on a Saturday morning is a scary thought for a guy trying to drop a Benjamin. 

I did my best to avoid all the "good stuff" and tried to eat a sensible breakfast/lunch/brunch.  I did my best guestimate as to the caloric content of the meal by looking up some info online since the Cracker Barrel is another place that doesn't publish their nutrition info.

I didn't really skip lunch.  Breakfast was just so late it kinda ended up being a brunch instead.

Dinner was once again at Wing Stop.  And yes, I'm finally over my buffalo wing craving.

Apple Bran Muffin
Turkey Sausage

Total Breakfast


Total Lunch

Buffalo Wings

Total Dinner

Yogurt Smoothie
Greek Yogurt
Fruit Leather

Total Snacks

Total Calories