Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bowling Ball

Last fall I joined a bowling league.  We go, we have fun, we don't take it serious, and we sometimes make fun of those that do take it serious.  I thought it would be a fun thing to do every Thursday night, and I was right.  We're having a blast and the other teams hate us because of what we call our "gold jacket, green jacket" attitude.

What does bowling have to do with a weight loss blog?  Well, I had an epiphany as I walked into the bowling center tonight.  I was carrying my bowling ball, which weighs 14 pounds, and I realized that this ball is kinda heavy.  Which got me to thinking...I am this much lighter.  The perspective was in my hand in the form of a Brunswick Avalanche bowling ball that I was carrying across a parking lot.  So there you have it; bowling and a weight loss blog.

Side note:  I know, I know...if you own a bowling ball, how are you not taking it serious.  All I can say to that it, "Good point...we did just take over 1st place in the league."


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