Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 28

I slept a bit longer than I usually do on Sunday morning.  Instead of eating breakfast, I went for a turkey burger a little later.  I don't think I'll do the skipping breakfast for the late breakfast/early lunch again as it left me hungry all day.

Dinner was at La Fiesta.  I usually get my "dining out" experience on Friday night but the super-duper-mega-blizzard of 2010 that hit The Fort this week threw me a curve. 

Goals for this week include eating more fruits and veggies along with hitting the streets for some low-impact permitting.

Breakfast Calories
Slept In…Skipped Breakfast 0
Total Breakfast 0

Lunch Calories
Turkey Burger 480
Spicy Cheez-Its 150
Total Lunch 630

Dinner Calories
Chciken, Rice and Cheese at La Fiesta  
Total Dinner 0

Snacks Calories
Chicken Wings 190
Fruit 210
Total Snacks 400

Total Calories 1030

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