Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have yet to choose a name for the winter storm that hit The Fort on Friday. The actions of the weathermen and weatherwomen on television and reactions of grocery shoppers left me searching for nomenclature for said storm. I saw the above suggestions on Facebook and thought I'd share.

Let's talk about lunch. I had my leftover turkey chili and chipotle sweet potato fries that I was ready to eat for lunch on Friday, but then it happened. I walked into the office after taking a group for a tour of some Wingfoot facilities and it hit me. OMG BBQ!!! Someone had purchased lunch for everyone at the office and it was from one of my favorite restaurants in The Fort, Pink Flamingo.

I don't know if the dreary day of ice and snow had tricked my olfactics; more likely it was all the tire rubber we were around as I led the tour of a Wingfoot retread plant and Wingfoot sales facility, but the smell of BBQ hit me in the face as soon as I entered the building. Typically free BBQ means a very happy Travis, but also leads to a very stuffed Travis. This was going to be a true test. I know I'm going to be in situations throughout the rest of this year (and life) where I'm going to have to know when to push back from the table. It's okay to have some BBQ, heck it's almost un-American to not have some BBQ. I just have to know when to say "when," and I am working on that. So, that's what I did. I ate some BBQ….just some. I didn't go overboard and fall off the Benjamin Droppin' wagon, I just ate "some" BBQ. I had a piece of sausage, a serving of chopped brisket and a pickle spear. I avoided the side items, cookies and bread. I wanted more when I finished my plate, but I pushed back from the table and was done. I really wanted to go back for seconds or thirds for the next 10 minutes or so, but I refrained. Hopefully the scale will reward me on Wednesday.

Breakfast Calories
Turkey Sausage Muffin 260

Total Breakfast 260

Lunch Calories
Pink Flamingo BBQ 566

Total Lunch 566

Dinner Calories
Turkey Sandwich 410
Hot and Spicy Cheez Its 150

Total Dinner 560

Snacks Calories
Steamed Veggies 80
Fruit 210

Total Snacks 290

Total Calories 1676

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