Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You're Not Supposed to Curse at the Doctor's Office

So, I went to visit Dr. Clardy. He introduced me to Susie, his wonderful nurse that will be conducting the weekly weigh-ins. Susie asked me to step on the scale and I nervously obliged.

I stepped on the scale and was shocked at the numbers. I said something totally inappropriate for a doctor's office and stepped off the scale.

I apologize to Dr. Clardy, Nurse Susie, the staff, and patients for the expletive. I'm sure when my mom reads this I'll have to research the caloric content of soap.

Anywho, I'll post the starting weight when we finish this journey in 12 months or so. I will be posting the change of weight every Wednesday after lunch.


  1. Where's the exciting news????????

  2. It'll be up today. Yesterday was crazy busy at work and I had a board meeting for a non-profit I work with from 5:30pm-8pm.

    Hopefully I'll have the news posted around lunchtime.
