Thursday, January 7, 2010

Real Benjamins...15 of Them

"2010, watch it go to fire...."

This challenge has taken a turn.  I started off doing this for the betterment of Travis.  However, my path to healthy living is going to allow (if I drop the Benjamin) some cash flow to some local charities as well. 

Most of you know I'm active in the community.  I am the current chair of YEL and I serve on a handful of boards in The Fort.  Whether it's the Leadership Fort Smith Alumni AssociationGirls Inc, the Crisis Intervention Center, The Chamber, or St. Edwards or Sparks, I try to do what I can to make Fort Smith a better place.  I say all this not to boast, but to tell you about an opportunity that has appeared.

On Tuesday (just the second day of this blog) I received an email with not only words of encouragement, but with an offer.  It said, "Trav, I will donate $5 for every lb you loose to the charity off your choice Jan. 1st 2011."  Needless to say, this email was a definite attention grabber.  I didn't expect this or what followed.  Like I said earlier, I started this for the betterment of Travis.  I just wanted to see what happened when I put all the accountability out there on teh interwebs.  When you're just two days in and receive news like that, it's extremely encouraging.

Then, my jaw dropped.  I had two others make the same offer....within minutes of each other.  In the span of an afternoon this thing went from being about "me" to being about "we."  Motivation to drop the Benjamin while collecting some Benjamins for the charity of my choosing is now at an all time high.

It's evolution baby...this journey is just beginning and the blog is already evolving.  I like where it's headed.  I'd like to thank the generous folks for the $1,500.  Now, I just have to decide what organization gets the $$$.  Any suggestions?

Oh yeah, here's a shout-out to the three that started the money-ball rolling...Pops, Trent and Terra.



  1. Just when I thought you couldn't be a better person, you have to go and top it off with giving back to others! Count me in for support in your lifestyle and charity of choice!

  2. That is awesome!! 500 bones is kinda steep for me, so put me down for 100.

  3. Travis - what you're doing is yet another example of what I've been thinking a lot about lately. Success is found by selfless ensembles who confront the possibility of failure and then have the audacity to attempt the feat anyway. Those commitments are attention-grabbers and, pretty soon, you have other people willing to do amazing things. My friend, you are practicing habits that have begun Fort Smith's transformation - and will continue to bring amazing progress to our region. We're right here with you, sir.

  4. Love you and so proud of you, you are an outstanding young man and a asset to your town!!!

  5. Fort Smith and the world for that matter needs more people like you Travis. You have my love and support in this new and wonderful adventure.
